Answering all your questions on Lachér Patisserie's Halal Status! The application process was a long one, but after months of applying, and after countless questions about our halal status from you guys, we've finally done it!
So drum roll please!
Are Lachér Patisserie's cakes halal certified?
Well, most of them are! 🍰🎉 To check out our range of Halal-certified cakes, simply head over to our website. Once you're on our collection page, keep an eye out for the cakes sporting a Halal logo, or better yet, use our handy 'halal-certified' filter. This will instantly show you all the cakes that are Halal-certified.
How about the rest of your products?
The rest of our products have not yet completed the halal certification process due to their their short-term availability or newness in the market. However, we would like to assure you that these products are produced with the same strict adherence to halal principles—this includes the use of halal-compliant ingredients, the exclusion of alcohol, and the use of halal gelatine.
How was the halal certification process?
When we started the process to get our cakes Halal certified, we knew it wasn't going to be easy, and indeed, it was a lengthy and thorough journey. Every ingredient we use has to be certified Halal by JAKIM/JAIN. This meant we had to check and double-check with all our suppliers, ensuring every single component in our cakes met the strict Halal standards. Yes, it was challenging with so many ingredients and suppliers, but it was a crucial step for us.
It wasn't just about the ingredients, though. The process involved thorough internal checks too. This meant everything in our bakery—from the ingredients, to the utensils, the storage, and every other department— was examined closely.
Besides these checks, the certification process also included a lot of administrative work. There were endless meetings, loads of paperwork, and a lot of back-and-forth communication. Preparing all the documents required a significant amount of time and effort, but it was essential for us to achieve our goal of Halal certification.
How can I verify the halal status of our cakes?
- Search ‘Lachér Malaysia’ on
- Look for the Halal logo on our packaging.
- Our halal certificates are visible from when you come to collect your cake.
Raya is coming! Will your Raya cake be halal certified too?
Yes! Our 2024 Hari Raya cake is already halal certified.
Are the cakes at Lachér to-go, Plaza Conlay KL halal certified?
Yes, all desserts are made at our halal-certified central kitchen, same as the whole cakes. Though some of our seasonal petit cakes which are only around for a short time, may not yet be Halal-certified due to the lengthy process. Even so, we’d like to assure you that we only use Halal ingredients and strictly follow Halal procedures and standards for everything we make.
There you have it, folks! The sweet saga of Lachér Patisserie's journey to Halal certification. Whether it's for a special occasion or just a treat-yourself moment, our Halal-certified cakes are here to make every bite count. Happy indulging!